Location: Wadbilliga National Park, NSW.
Client: NSW Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS)
The Greater Glider was listed as nationally Endangered in 2022.
The highest population density of greater gliders known to be recorded in Australia is found in Wadbilliga National Park1.
ERA was engaged by NPWS to survey Greater Glider density and abundance to determine the significance of the Cascades Campground population. We also analysed the impact of the 2020 ‘Black Summer’ mega-fires and potential impacts of climate change on this population, and more broadly in the Far South Coast and Upper Escarpment area of New South Wales.
- Smith, A. (2012) The Greater Glider (Petauroides volans) at Cascades Camping Area, Wadbilliga National Park SE NSW: Conservation Status & Effects of Tree Removal. Report for NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service Office of Environment and Heritage Department of Premier and Cabinet; Jo Isaac, ERA, pers. obs., 2023) ↩︎