13 December 2023 ERA recently installed close to 100 metres of rope bridge in storm affected vegetation in the Yarra Ranges Shire. The bridges will connect remaining canopy, meaning that arboreal marsupials like possums and gliders don’t need to come down to the ground as much, where they are at risk from predators. The wildlife… Continue reading Wildlife Rope Bridge Update, Yarra Ranges
Tag: threatened species
SER Conference Darwin 2023
29 September 2023 ERA is currently in Darwin attending the 2023 Ecological Society of Restoration Conference – Nature and People as One: Celebrating and Restoring Connection. The conference encourages restoration specialists from around the world “to consider our own relationship with nature, and the interweaving of human and ecological wellbeing”. Conference topics included restoration monitoring… Continue reading SER Conference Darwin 2023
Artificial Hollows, Moorabool Shire
30 June 2023 ERA, in partnership with Moorabool Shire Council, recently installed 35 artificial hollows and four nest boxes across eleven privately-owned properties within the Moorabool Shire Council area (see here for more details on this project). ERA has a strong focus on science backed restoration and is currently undertaking multiple research projects on the… Continue reading Artificial Hollows, Moorabool Shire
Stop Press! Greater Gliders in our Artificial Hollows
6 June 2023 The day has finally arrived! We are beyond excited that we have found two nationally Endangered Greater Gliders (Petauroides volans) using our artificial hollows here in Wombat State Forest, Victoria. Greater gliders rely on large, old, hollow-bearing trees for shelter during the day and to breed. Greater Gliders are therefore impacted by… Continue reading Stop Press! Greater Gliders in our Artificial Hollows
Rope Bridge Installation, Wombat State Forest
16 May 2023 The storms of June 2021 resulted in the loss of many large trees across the Hepburn Shire and surrounding area, resulting in large gaps in the canopy that will not regrow for many years. ERA, in partnership with Hepburn Shire Council, DEECA and the local community, is creating and installing wildlife rope… Continue reading Rope Bridge Installation, Wombat State Forest
Wildlife Rope Bridges, Hepburn Shire
20 September 2022 We are excited to announce an innovative partnership with ourselves, Hepburn Shire Council, DEECA and the local community, to create and install wildlife rope canopy bridges to key storm damaged areas in the Wombat State Forest. The storms of June 2021 resulted in the loss of many large trees across the Wombat… Continue reading Wildlife Rope Bridges, Hepburn Shire
Hollow Creation Update, Wombat State Forest
14 December 2022 Earlier in the year, our team installed more than 100 artificial hollows in areas of the Wombat and Cobaw State Forests impacted by the 2021 storms. We placed a number of remote cameras out during installation to monitor the hollows. We got some immediate interest from an Agile Antechinus, Feather-tailed Gliders and… Continue reading Hollow Creation Update, Wombat State Forest
Biodiversity Survey, Wombat State Forest
1 April 2022 We are currently knee-deep (literally!) in biodiversity surveys throughout the beautiful Wombat State Forest, located in and around Daylesford, Victoria. Much of this forest will be merged with Lederderg State Park to create a new national park in the near future. The ERA team is currently surveying for endangered flora and fauna… Continue reading Biodiversity Survey, Wombat State Forest
East Gippsland salt-marsh survey
A recent field trip to the salt-marshes of East Gippsland confirmed range expansions for two endangered FFG-listed species. A very successful day!
East Gippsland Saltmarsh Survey
31 March 2022 The ERA team recently undertook a recce mission to the salt-marshes of East Gippsland, scoping for future projects and looking for endangered flora. The field trip resulted in confirmed range expansions for two endangered FFG-listed species. Another successful research trip! East Gippsland is always well worth a visit to explore our wonderful… Continue reading East Gippsland Saltmarsh Survey